Description of Assignment:
Individuals will develop an entry strategy for a market and product. You should include analysis and information on consumer behavior, legal and tax implications, labor supply, infrastructure, supply chains, and other requirements for successful entry.
For this assignment you will produce a Market Entry Report in two parts. Part 1 will consist of a Country Analysis describing the social, political, economic, and business environment in the country, its historical trajectory, and economic and business challenges and opportunities. Part 2 will advise an entry strategy, cultural aspects, human resource management practices, and engagement with government and other stakeholders, identifying strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for improved performance. This report will be due one week after the course has finished.
Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?): Good reports will clearly document the sources of information contained in the report in APA style. They will be well organized and of appropriate length; written in clear English that is generally free of errors; and demonstrate an understanding of the conventions of academic writing. Reports will include a title page listing the students name and their focal market. The title page will also include a word count, excluding the title page and list of references. The text of the country report should be 2500 words, double-spaced in a 12-point font. This is a strict limit – 0.1 points will be deducted for each word over or under the prescribed word count for this report.