art 1: Targets, Goals, and Objectives
(W3LO1, W3LO2, W3LO3 / CLO1), (W3LO4 / CLO2)
Directions: Compose 4 paragraphs (minimum 150-word each) analyzing the data from the social/emotional surveys.
First paragraph:
Identify the most significant findings from the teacher survey data.
· Report teachers’ perceptions of the school culture and level of social-emotional proficiency.
· Discuss the implications of effects on student academic performance.
· Cite evidence from the data and readings and lectures to support your statements.
Second paragraph:
Identify the most significant findings from the student survey data.
· Report students’ perceptions of the school culture and level of social-emotional proficiency.
· Discuss the implications of effects on student academic performance.
· Cite evidence from the data and readings to support your statements.
Third paragraph:
Cross-reference and synthesize ALL sets of disaggregated data from weeks 1, 2, and 3 (academic, behavior, social/emotional).
- Identify the THREE most significant correlational findings from ALL data sets.
- Discuss the implications on academic performance.
· Cite evidence from data and readings to support your statements.
Final paragraph:
Create an initial plan for finding the root cause of the inequities in performance and behavior of the identified subpopulations. Briefly review your findings from weeks 1 & 2, and address the following:
Þ How do the campus social/emotional dynamics impact academic performance of specific student subpopulations?
Þ Where/how can these questions be answered?
Þ Who may be able to provide this information?
Þ What data validates the information provided?
Þ Cite readings and data analysis from the ALL data sets to support your rationale.
Cite sources and data analyses from all appropriate data sets to support statements in each paragraph.
Part 2: S.M.A.R.T. Goal & S.M.A.R.T. Objectives
(W3LO6 / CLO3, CLO5)
Directions: Compose one S.M.A.R.T. goal and three S.M.A.R.T. objectives to address one targeted area of need you found from the survey data. Expound on each of the five S.M.A.R.T. components by providing comprehensive details for each component within the tables. For each of the three objectives, list one activity for both the faculty and the principal that will help attain the objective.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal (long range/3-5 years)
Ex: Culture of greater inclusiveness will be cultivated.
Provide supporting statements from data sets.
Ex: Validated culture surveys will be used annually.
Provide supporting statements from data sets.
Provide a research-based strategy here.
Provide supporting statements from data sets.
How is the goal directly aligned with the identified need?
Provide supporting statements from data sets.
When is the projected date for meeting this goal?
Provide supporting statements from data sets.
A. S.M.A.R.T. Objectives (accomplish in one school year)
Objective 1
Objective 1 Activities
What Principal Will Do
State and describe a principal’s activity that will directly assist in attaining the objective. Include supporting evidence from the data sets, readings, and lectures.
What Faculty Will Do
State and describe a faculty’s activity that will directly assist in attaining the objective. Include supporting evidence from the data sets, readings, and lectures.
Objective 2
Objective 2 Activities
What Principal Will Do
What Faculty Will Do
Objective 3
Objective 3 Activities
What Principal Will Do
What Faculty Will Do
Part 3: Vision and Mission
(W3LO7 / CLO4)
Directions: In your own words, explain the following (150-word minimum):
How can weeks 1, 2, and 3 data sets be used for developing both the mission and vision statements?
· Make sure to distinctly address development of both the mission and the vision statements.
· Use the Basic Writing Elements model provided in the course Resources and include specific evidence/references to the readings and lectures in your reflection.