Assignment: Zappos Case Study

Learning Outcomes:

• Demonstrate an understanding of all the HR disciplines and how they contribute to overall organizational effectiveness.


• Apply acquired human resources knowledge to resolve business and organizational issues.


Review the “Exercising Strategy” exercise about Zappos on pages 57-58 of the text as well as the following web resources:

• Making Sense of Zappos and Holacracy

• Tony Hsieh: Redefining Zappos’ Business Model

• Here’s What Happened to Zappos’ HR Boss When the Company Got Rid of Managers and Her Job Became Obsolete


Utilizing the material from Chapter 8 of the text (as well outside research you conduct), evaluate Zappos’ approach to performance management from a case study approach. Identify any problems or issues with Zappos’ HRM approach and propose different options or solutions.


Using this information, the Assignment Rubric and the additional resources listed below, develop a 3-4 page (not including title and reference pages) APA formatted evaluation



This writing assignment is worth a total of 100 points. Please see the grading rubric below for additional detail and feedback on performance.


Criteria Poor Fair Good Excellent
Citations 0 to 1 points

No attempt is made to cite sources

2 to 3 points

Some pieces are unreferenced or inaccurately referenced, and there are problems with completeness and format of citations

4 points

All evidence is cited using proper APA format, but there are some minor problems with completeness

5 points

All evidence is properly cited in proper APA format

Mechanics (free of grammatical, spelling and/or typographical errors, verb tense remained consistent throughout the entire paper, thoughts well-articulated and clearly presented) 0 to 2 points

Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; poorly organized

3 to 5 points

Writing lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; gives insufficient detail and relevant data and information; lacks organization

6 to 8 points

Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details and relevant data and information; well-organized

9 to 10 points

Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely well-organized

Each question was addressed completely and accurately, including proper citation and reference to web resources or textbook 0 to 15 points

Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified

16 to 30 points

Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; omits necessary supporting resources

31 to 45 points

Presents a thorough analysis of most issues identified; includes connection to supporting resources

46 to 50 points

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; includes connection to supporting resources

Depth of analysis, critical thinking and originality of thought 0 to 10 points

Supports diagnosis and opinions with few reasons and little evidence; argument is one-sided and not objective

11 to 20 points

Supports diagnosis and opinions with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one-sided argument

21 to 30 points

Supports diagnosis and opinions with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective

31 to 35 points

Supports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective

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