SCOPE: Research the business and political environment in Venezuela today. A few ‘eye-catching’ articles are below to get you started.
Particularly look for conflicts that have occurred between the socialist Venezuelan government (under presidents Chavez and now Maduro) and private businesses (manufacturing, oil, telecommunications, media, etc.).
– Provide a briefing of the current economic and business climates in Venezuela.
– Examine and explain why (and if) you believe whether the government’s actions regarding currency and its attempts to micro-manage the output of private companies are causing economic chaos and chronic shortages of goods.
– Draw some conclusions as to whether a foreign business (any type you wish) should look to expand in this country. Why? or Why not?
- Title & reference page
- 750-1000 words excluding title & reference page (be sure to stay within this range)
- Minimum 3 academic references
- APA format
Starter articles (Note: If links are inoperative, simple Google the titles to access or locate other articles. There are many on this topic.):