Summary Paper – A Camera in the Classroom

Access the link below and read the brief scenario.

Looking at Figure 1-1 (Decision-making model on page 8 of your text), follow the steps in the model as you consider whether the teacher should surrender the videotape. Submit a one-to-two-page Summary Paper that outlines the decision that needs to be made and its alignment to the steps in the model.


Required Text and Materials

Textbook: Stader, David L. (2012). Law and ethics in educational leadership, 2nd ed. Pearson.

ISBN-10: 0-13-268587-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-268587-0

You may access a free sample of the text on kindle and fig 1.1 is on page 8 of chapter 1 and is available for free on kindle as a sample.  I am having difficulty uploading a screenshot of fig 1.1.  If  you bid and are selected for the assignment and have questions, please contact me through chat. Thanks.

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