Communicating is an important marketing process of conveying our message to our customers and prospects. We use certain media based upon their ability to meet communication goals and objectives.

  • Describe a recent promotion experience. (As seen on television, mail, radio, Internet, sales person, outdoor/ signage, prints, etc.)
  • Identify each of the Communication Process elements to that promotion. Provide evidence by example.
  • Discuss whether the given promotion was effective and how it would be better served in another promotion medium. Present your rationale in marketing terms/ concepts.
  • Read other student posts and identify elements they may have missed and/ or those that were done well that made that promotion particularly effective.

Be sure to provide supporting evidence for your statements.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 200–300 words. Apply a standard business writing style (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work but be sure to cite your work in the APA format.

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