Now that the quarter has come to a close, let’s reflect on your SMART health goal. You may wish to look at Part 1: Setting Your Goal, which you submitted in Week 1 of the quarter, in writing your responses.

The purpose of this extra credit assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect on your health-related goal.


You will reflect on your experience with committing to and tracking your health, nutrition, or fitness-related SMART goal you set for Part 1 of the assignment. Complete the questions on the below Word Document.

Answer each question thoroughly and your responses should be thoughtful and well-considered. We hope this was a valuable assignment and wish you the best of luck in meeting future health-related goals!

Rubric (1)

Level Grade

Question 1What was your one health, nutrition, or fitness-related SMART goal you committed to and tracked for the 6-week summer session?


Full Marks

Identifies a thoughtful SMART goal


Half credit

Identifies a goal, but it is lacking one or more SMART criterion


No Marks

Does not identify a goal


Question 2Did you meet your goal? If you met your goal, what helped you do so? If you didn’t meet your goal, why do you think you were unable to meet it? Please be thorough in your response.


Full Marks

Checks yes or no. Provides a thoughtful answer about why or why not with at least 1 example.


Half credit

Either missing checking yes or no or the answer is not as thoughtful


No Marks

Did not check yes or no or provide a thoughtful answer about why or why not


Question 3What was the biggest challenge you encountered with meeting this goal?


Full Marks

Identifies the biggest challenge


Half credit

Identifies the biggest challenge, but the answer is not as thoughtful


No Marks

Does not identify a challenge


Question 4How did you use the information you learned in this class to meet this goal?


Full Marks

Provides at least 1 example of how they used the material from the class to meet their goal


Half credit

Provides at least 1 example of how they used the material from the class to meet their goal, but the answer is not as thoughtful


No Marks

Does not provide at least 1 example of how they used the material from the class to meet their goal


Question 5What will you do differently in the future when it comes to setting and meeting health-related goals?


Full Marks

Provides a thoughtful answer about what they would do differently in the future


Half credit

Provides an adequate answer about what they would do differently in the future


No Marks

Does not provide an answer about what they would do differently in the future


Total 5.0

Download the assignment here: Review Health Goal Part 1 here:

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