Global and Multicultural Perspectives Please respond to the following:
- Review Table 2.1 in your textbook titled “What Is Distinctive Between Global Education and Multicultural Education.” Select two of the six parameters, e.g., origin, justification, etc., and discuss how the differences in parameters could affect leadership skills.
- Select one of the approaches in shared discourse, Table 2.2, i.e., monoculturism, particularism, etc., about global education, and formulate your own version of how leaders of this approach would implement diversity practices
Peer Response:
Many of the topics that embody multicultural education deal with race, racism, various socioeconomic issues and human rights. Communication, fairness, and open-mindedness are essential to be a good leader and creating a positive environment. However, the justification distinction can make it tough to implement these leadership skills, more so when talking about culture, race or other human rights issues, especially in multicultural education. Also, because many of the concepts discussed in multicultural education are supported by law it strengthens the concept. Global education is a little harder because even though many of the topics are vastly important and factually supported they do not seem to hold as much weight as the material in multicultural education. So, often when teachers talk about global education it is from the perspective of the U.S. and does not treat each country independently.
The beneficiary parameter for multicultural education can make leadership difficult because it can be difficult to convey how the curriculum is tailored towards students of color. White students may feel left out and even those who are minorities may have an issue because they feel that the lecture is incorrect. This distinction for global education affects leadership because depending upon the environment people may not want to hear about different countries or cultures, making it difficult to illustrate its importance.
Discussion 2:
Higher Education Policy Development Please respond to the following:
- Discuss how policy development can be considered broad based, and provide examples of how this is implemented.
- Debate whether the practice of internationalization has improved schools in the countries described as “host” countries for this practice.
Peer Response:
• Discuss how policy development can be considered broad-based and provide examples of how this is implemented.
Global education policy barely scratches the surface because it does not deal with the more significant issues and because it lacks legal standing like multicultural education it is harder for it to be as concrete as multicultural education. Global education policy would be broader by including more of a focus on social responsibility, human rights issues, global warming, immigration issues, and race. I am unsure if it is less about implementing and more about people changing the way they think about global education.
Debate whether the practice of internationalization has improved schools in the countries described as “host” countries for this practice.
Herman E. Daly (1999) describes internationalization as the increasing importance of international trade, international relations, treaties and alliances” (Introduction section, para. 1). An example of how internationalization has worked is the unofficial relationship between Taiwan and the United States allowing Taiwanese students to take advantage of our educational resources and universities. Besides the usual benefits of sharing cultures and new ideas, but also helps students to see the U.S and the host nations in a different light, because they are able to learn firsthand.
Daly, H.E. (1999). Globalization Versus Internationalization. Retrieved from
Please see attachment for tables.